About illustrator and builder of Mummyduck Customs


I’m excited about piston engines and cool vintage design. My inner me feels joy when I’m fixing and modifying something mechanical. A motorcycle is the ultimate mix of metal, leather, and divine engineering. Modifying motorcycles and diving to the deep end of wiring one can be hard and problems can be overwhelming. Fixing problems like a simple oil change is giving respect to the motor. In the end, you and this vehicle of speed and beauty have a connection. Ride it and you can feel it’s soul.   

So, why these prints. They are also the way to respect motorcycles and this connection of man and machine. This is the way show it to the others who feel the same and also to the outsiders of course. Wearing these clothes make me feel free like I’m riding a motorcycle. Drawing these prints is enjoyable too. And I hope you can seen it also.   


Here's another shop of ours Forty-Two Customs. More Outfits for stylish daily survival. Yoga, sports, and quotes in proper ways. Check out!


As an illustrator, I am a senior scientist. I have practiced illustrations for almost 30 years. I have also done a lot of exhibition design for various museums. The illustration side has been pretty much across the board varying from children’s books to women’s magazines and everything in between and over. Interesting is to do specific illustrations for companies and businesses, you get to use different processes and various visual ways to get the message across. Most stretching and inspiring illustrations, for example, have been the Space Freaks board game for Toad King’s. And then I go from there to illustrate sergeant Napalm (a Finnish superhero) comic stuff every now and then. My hobbies are spearfishing and underwater rugby (as an old and slow striker). Today, I focus on painting, moddify bikes and running my Mummyduck customs shop in my workshop with one carcass and one running motorcycle side by side with my art in perfect harmony. Harley 48 hibernate elsewhere.

Harri the pen and wrench man